Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It’s True, Your Boss Can Give You PTSD

Here's an article from the Workplace Bullying Institute that originally appeared in Huffington Post UK.

Workplace Bullying, Abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, It’s True, Your Boss Can Give You PTSD


  1. I have felt a number of the same feelings you describe and last week I quit yet another job due to the pressure I felt on a daily basis. I feel alone and weak but at the time can't see any other way out.

  2. I can definitely relate to that. I was in the same situation last fall.

  3. It is somewhat comforting to realize others have felt the same emotions but it doesn't change the fact that I will someday in the future have to try again and I fear and detest this fact. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result? But what can you do when society dictates the need for money? Hopefully one day the truth will be revealed.

  4. Hello there. I have exactly the same problems as you guys experience, and only now, after ten years of trying to laugh it off or ignore it or even just get over it, I've decided I can't! I started yet another new job in January (the start date I even managed to delay by 2 months) but I've already had enough. I've had Easter weekend off and all it's done is compound the situation in my head - I've been so angry about the thought of going back that I started up my own blog to record my experiences and hopefully get around to telling the world what it is I want them to know: that employment is a huge cause of depression for some of us. I do not want to feel ashamed about admitting that, as us 'dissenters' are so often made to feel. If you fancy dropping over to my blog to see how I'm getting on, it's at . I'm so glad I've discovered I'm not the only one experiencing these emotions. Going back to work tomorrow will hopefully be better because of it...

  5. So after suffering 10 years in silence, this morning I identified my phobia. I honestly thought I was the only one! My self esteem is so ruined from my fear if the workplace. Think it started with childhood bullying, bi polar dad, a few mean bosses. I live in southern California ...please if you know of any resources let me know. I'm at mermaidbleu

  6. Dear Anonymous, I haven't updated my blog in a few months, so missed your note. My apologies. If you're on Facebook, I've been posting to the Facebook page Ergophobia: Fear of the Workplace. You might want to try a NAMI support group if there's one nearby. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped me a LOT. Good luck!
